Shotcut 23.11.29

2023-12-01 By admin

Shotcut is a free, open source, cross-platform video editor for Windows, Mac and Linux. Major features include support for a wide range of formats; no import required meaning native timeline editing; Blackmagic Design support for input and preview monitoring; and resolution support to 4k.

Editing Features

  • Trimming on source clip player or timeline with ripple option
  • Append, insert, overwrite, lift, and ripple delete editing on the timeline
  • 3-point editing
  • Hide, mute, and lock track controls
  • Multitrack timeline with thumbnails and waveforms
  • Unlimited undo and redo for playlist edits including a history view
  • Create, play, edit, save, load, encode, and stream MLT XML projects (with auto-save)
  • Save and load trimmed clip as MLT XML file
  • Load and play complex MLT XML file as a clip
  • Drag-n-drop files from file manager
  • Scrubbing and transport control

Video Effects

  • Video compositing across video tracks
  • HTML5 (sans audio and video) as video source and filters
  • 3-way (shadows, mids, highlights) color wheels for color correction and grading
  • Eye dropper tool to pick neutral color for white balancing
  • Deinterlacing
  • Auto-rotate
  • Fade in/out audio and fade video from and to black with easy-to-use fader controls on timeline
  • Video wipe transitions:
  • bar, barn door, box, clock (radial), diagonal, iris, matrix, and custom gradient image
  • Track compositing/blending modes:
  • Over, Add, Saturate, Multiply, Screen, Overlay, Darken, Dodge, Burn, Hard Light, Soft Light, Difference, Exclusion, HSL Hue, HSL Saturation, HSL Color, HSL Luminosity.
  • Video Filters:
  • Alpha Channel: Adjust, Alpha Channel: View, Blur, Brightness, Chroma Key: Advanced, Chroma Key: Simple, Contrast, Color Grading, Crop, Diffusion, Glow, Invert Colors, Key Spill: Advanced, Key Spill: Simple, Mirror, Old Film: Dust, Old Film: Grain, Old Film: Projector, Old Film: Scratches, Old Film: Technocolor, Opacity, Rotate, Rutt-Etra-Izer, Saturation, Sepia Tone, Sharpen, Size and Position, Stabilize, Text, Vignette, Wave, White Balance
  • Speed effect for audio/video clips

Hardware Support

  • Blackmagic Design SDI and HDMI for input and preview monitoring
  • Leap Motion for jog/shuttle control
  • Webcam capture
  • Audio capture to system audio card
  • Capture (record) SDI, HDMI, webcam (V4L2), JACK audio, PulseAudio, IP stream, X11 screen, and Windows DirectShow devices
  • Multi-core parallel image processing (when not using GPU and frame-dropping is disabled)
  • DeckLink SDI keyer output
  • OpenGL GPU-based image processing with 16-bit floating point linear per color component

Shotcut 23.11.29 changelog:

This highlight of this version is the addition of easing for keyframes: ease in, ease out, and ease in/out with different levels of acceleration and tricks like elastic and bounce. See the Easing Functions Cheat Sheet web page for an animated graphical overview of these behavior options.


  • Added Crop:Rectangle > Apply to Source button.
  • This button is only enabled when the aspect ratio of the source media matches your project’s Video Mode because it is impossible to include the black padding that Shotcut adds to a source. This feature is the primary way to simply “crop a video.” You do not need to use the timeline for this. You can simply:
  • set Settings > Video Mode to Automatic,
  • open a video file,
  • add the Crop: Rectangle video filter,
  • adjust the rectangle control in the player,
  • click Apply to Source in the Filters panel,
  • choose Yes in the dialog asking to change the Video Mode, and
  • Export.
  • Added Opacity to GPS Text, Text: Simple, and Timer filters.
  • Improved performance of Timeline > Zoom.
  • Added rectangular selection to Timeline.
  • Added Settings > Timeline > Rectangle Select.
  • This is on by default, and scrubbing with the mouse on the timeline requires clicking near the play head.
  • When this is on, hold Shift to turn it off temporarily. When this is off, hold Shift to temporarily turn it on.
  • Changed the Smooth keyframe type to avoid overshoots and cusps.
  • This only applies to new projects made with this and future versions. Thus, the behavior of smooth keyframes made with an earlier version remains the same for compatibility reasons.
  • Added Ease In, Ease Out, and Ease In/Out to Keyframes.
  • This also changes the appearance of keyframes in the timeline view of Keyframes to make it more clear where the behavior applies – between keyframes. Remember this: when thinking about “in” or “out”, for Shotcut “in” refers to the beginning of something – a clip, filter, or parameter between keyframes. And “out” refers to the end of something. So, this is not easing into a keyframe and easing out of a keyframe. Rather, it is easing into or out of the change/segment/span/tween of a parameter between keyframes.
  • Added Properties > View Bitrate….
  • If you have ever used the classic Bitrate Viewer for Windows and frustrated with the lack of updates or not available on your current OS, here you go.
  • Added a Track Auto Fade Video filter. This can only be added to tracks and makes a dip to black or other color or fade in and out opacity for overlays to each clip.
  • Changed Export > Codec and Audio to disable some options when a lossless-only or an intra-only codec is selected.
  • Added Settings > Timeline > Automatically Add Tracks.
  • The defaults for this is off because adding tracks increases memory usage. Also, it does not automatically add a track if nothing is in the Timeline as the timeline is optional in Shotcut. Also, it does not automatically add a track when you open a project with no empty tracks. It only adds tracks when you add something to the timeline or move a clip between tracks.
  • Added a button in Filters to save a filter set and change the Copy checked filters button to not show a dialog.
  • Added Filters > Set > Glow Intensity.
  • This demonstrates how you can mix a filtered output with the input to reduce it.
  • Also, change the Mask: From File > Treshold to do a side-by-side comparison with and without the filter.
  • Added Split at Playhead back into the timeline clip context menu.
  • Changed the Save option in the low memory dialog to perform a backup and save to prevent breaking projects.
  • Added support for av1_nvenc NVIDIA AV1 hardware encoder on Windows and Linux.
  • Upgraded MLT to version 7.22.0.

New Bugs

  • Fixed honoring the “Do not show this anymore” checkbox in the Convert to Edit-friendly dialog (configuration key showConvertClipDialog) (broke in v23.09).
  • Fixed the new batch convert dialog (View > Resources) appeared instead of the old Convert to Edit-friendly one when dragging a single concerning clip to Playlist or Timeline (broke in v23.09).
  • Fixed Motion Tracker filters are forgotten upon switching to Source player (broke in v23.09).
  • Fixed Mask: Simple Shape > Softness not working on macOS (broke in v23.05).
  • Fixed saving a favorite for Filters > + > Sets.
  • Fixed Timeline appears all white on Qt 6.6.
  • Fixed libvpx security vulnerability CVE-2023-5217.
  • Fixed libwebp security vulnerability CVE-2023-4863.

Old Bugs

  • Fixed Text: Simple > #createdate# keyword deletes preceding text.
  • Fixed a crash when opening View > Scopes > Audio Loudness.
  • Fixed marker at start of the next clip was deleted when using Timeline > Edit > Ripple Trim Clip Out.
  • Fixed Properties > Transition changes were lost when Undo after trimming a clip’s out point on the Timeline.
  • Fixed a crash when Undo after trimming a transition that resulted in a new transition.
  • With this fix Shotcut no longer permits creating a new transition within the same mouse drag that removes a transition.
  • Fixed AMD (AMF) quality options in a saved Export preset shows up in the Other tab overriding Codec > Quality.
  • Fixed YouTube export preset is not H.264 high profile with some hardware encoders.
  • Fixed a memory leak when using YADIF deinterlacers.
  • Fixed color of export from still images when using full range and pix_fmt=yuv444p

Download: Shotcut 23.11.29 (64-bit) | Portable | ~100.0 MB (Open Source)
View: Shotcut Home Page | Other Operating Systems

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