Rewind brings ChatGPT into your personal life, but at what cost?

2023-03-24 By admin promises to help you remember what you did last week, but what about your privacy?

Imagine this for a moment, if you will. You had a meeting with someone a few weeks ago on our PC about something important, but there’s a key part of it you’ve forgotten. You ask ChatGPT what it was about, and it reminds you. This is the feature that promises to bring to the table, but there’s a critical question about privacy that’s brought to mind.


The is called ChatGPT for ME, and you can grab it for about $30 at the top end of the scale and for free for limited rewinds. Basically, it watches your every move and discussion on your device and saves it to the Open.AI servers. So, when you’re trying to remember where you saved a file, watched a video, or had a chat, it will help you out.

If you read the article on how ChatGPT recently exposed some historical chats, you will see an immediate problem here. Let’s take an example from my professional life. I’m a writer for an upcoming MMORPG, Antreya Chronicles, I have signed contracts that forbid me to share private discussions with Ghacks and Softonic management, and so the list goes on.


Now, imagine I’m chatting to team members about private matters, captures these chats, and it suddenly leaks on the internet. Alright, maybe my situation isn’t so dire, but imagine this happened with Rockstar Games. They’ve already had issues with a GTA 6 leak; they don’t need more of this drama if one of their members decides using ChatGPT for Me is a good idea.

Rewind says it’s trying to find the right balance between capturing your actions and keeping them private. As stated on The Verge, CEO of Dan Siroker says the following:

“I think nobody’s figured out how to tightrope that balance between convenience and privacy in a way that generates enough value that people are excited about it, but doesn’t hinder their adoption in a way that feels creepy or scary.”

For now, the risk is in your hands if you want to trust ChatGPT for Me out before they’ve ironed out the privacy issues.


About Shaun

I live in South Africa, Cape town, as a father of two children. I’ve been gaming almost all my life, with plenty of experience writing reviews and articles on the latest titles. With 15 years of experience in local government performing Facilities Management functions, I moved towards becoming CEO of my own company, Celenic Earth Publications, which serves to publish author’s books, including my own. I’m a published author of horror and fantasy novels, while I also dabble in game and movie scriptwriting.